, As for the structure of the text, it is roughly divided into four parts. The first one concerns murder, the second assaults, the third theft, and the fourth randomly deals with questions about the communities

, If in a brawl, someone maims the hand, the eye, or the foot of another person, let him know that he shall give a male or a female slave in return, The part devoted to assaults is made of eight articles. Six of them are inspired by Salic Law and give precise details about wounds, just like the Frankish laws, vol.38

R. Schmidt-wiegand and . Sali, Die malbergischen Glossen der Lex salica und die Ausbreitung der Franken, Rheinische Vierteljahrsblätter, vol.32, 1968.

J. Poly, Le premier roi des Francs. La loi salique et le pouvoir royal à la fin de l'Empire, Auctoritas. op. cit, pp.97-128

, For an edition of the text, see L. Bieler, The Irish Penitentials, pp.136-159, 1963.

A. H. Jones and ;. I. Wood, Many royal edicts or decrees have been integrated into the barbarian laws, notably in the lex ripuaria and in the Burgundian laws. In other cases, barbarians laws directly borrowed from Roman law. Gundobad, king of the Burgudians and magister militum used an imperative language and the word, The Theodosian Code, vol.16, pp.175-176, 1986.

L. Bieler, Towards an interpretation of the so-called 'Canones Wallici' ", in Medieval Studie presented to Audrey Gwynn, pp.387-392, 1961.