C. Bernstein, The Sound of Poetry / The Poetry of, 2009.

S. Bitounjulien and . Brew, Pour une Étude de l'Histoire du Rock, 2015.

. Ginsberg-allen, Collected Poems, 1947.

. Ginsberg-allen, Confrontation with Louis Ginsberg's poems in Louis Ginsberg, Morning in Spring and Other Poems, 1970.

. Ginsberg-allen, GINSBERG Allen, Liner notes to The Lion for Real, 1952.

. Ginsberg-allen, Pound's influence, the American Poetry Review, vol.15, issue.4, pp.7-8, 1986.

M. Henri, Qu'entendez-vous par oralité?, Langue Française, vol.56, pp.6-23, 1982.

P. Marjorie, A Lion in Our Living Room, The American Poetry Review, vol.14, issue.2, pp.35-46, 1985.

R. Jacques, The sound of poetry/The poetry of sound, 2009.

S. Michael, Dharma Lion: A Critical Biography of Allen Ginsberg, 1992.

T. Henry, D. Walking, ;. Williams-william, and C. Paterson, A Voice of Rock as the sound of Prophesy": Discussing Allen Ginsberg's, The Essays of Henry D. Thoreau, 2002.

, See the use of the term in the preface to the Collected Poems (p. 5)as well as in poem titles such as

. Ginsberg, If it isn't composed on the tongue, it's an essay, 1951.

H. On-this-topic-see and . Meschonnic, le primat du rythme dans la significance, avec tout ce qu'elle comporte d'infralinguistique, de transsémiotique (débordant le signe), il me semble que ce sont ces éléments qui font la relation spécifique du rythme au poème, Langue Française, vol.56, p.10, 1982.

, call and response existe entre le chanteur et sa guitare, éventuellement entre le chanteur et une autre personne

. See-for-instance-gregory-jordan, A School Of Literature That's Called New Jersey, The New York Times, 2003.

, A line taken from the collection of poems by Louis Ginsberg Everlasting Minute, mentioned by his son Allen in his own poem "To Aunt Rose

, What / else is there? And to do? The rest have run out-/ after the rabbits

, First thought, best thought. Spontaneous insight-the sequence of thought-forms passing naturally through ordinary mind-was always motif and method of these compositions

A. Aublet, U. Doctorante-contractuelle, and C. Paris-nanterre, A Voice of Rock as the sound of Prophesy": Discussing Allen Ginsberg's, New J
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